
…this website

„To study Zen Buddhism is to study the self.
To study the self is to forget the self.
To forget the self is to be enlightened by the ten thousand things (dharmas).“

Eihei Dogen Zenji, 1233

On this website we are focusing on the study of the „self“ from the perspective of Zen Buddhism as we have learned it from our teachers since the 1980s and tested it over the last 30 years.

The goal of the study is the enlightened life: To reduce suffering and act wholesomely appropriate to any situation. It’s about creating joy and space for ourselves and the beings around us in a challenging world – and appreciating our lives.

Since we all have a „self“ that can be examined and studied, the conditions are there for any reader to understand Zen Buddhism. This website aims to awaken and deepen this understanding.

We turn to two areas of Zen study in particular:

1. the meditation that gives strength;

2. the insight that allows us to transform the power of meditation into action .

Neither an eagle nor an insect can fly with only one wing: Meditation and insight are the two wings we need to translate the power of Zen into healing action.

We promise to be clear and accurate at all times – in lectures as well as on the Dharma blog and in the members‘ area. Boredom should not arise and we will not waste the time of the listener and reader.


…the Kanzeon Team

Some of us have been with Kanzeon Sangha Deutschland e.V. since its inception – we all have many years of experience with Kanzeon Sangha. We make sure that the Zendo is always open, we give the time with the bells and guidance for new participants. We take positions in the Zendo, give introductions – and, as a board team, take care of all the tasks that an association demands.
It will take a little while – but then we will introduce ourselves here.


…Jikishin Sensei

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All photos: Laura Boschke

Sensei’s given name is Christian von Wolkahof; his Buddhist name is Jikishin. He is the father of three sons, an architect and ordained Zen monk, teacher and lineage holder(Sensei) of the Japanese Soto School in the White Plum lineage of Hakuju Taizan Maezumi, Roshi and Dennis Genpo Merzel, Roshi. He has been a student of Genpo Roshi since 1989. As co-founder of the Kanzeon Sangha Deutschland e.V. and the Kanzeon Zen Center Düsseldorf he managed the center until the end of 2007 – together with his then wife Marci Forand.

From 2008, the family lived for five years with the children Carl and Toni at the „Kanzeon Zen Center International“ (Temple Hosshinji) in Salt Lake City, USA. Under the direction of Abbot Genpo Merzel Roshi, they were responsible for training the resident monks, nuns and lay people.

Sensei’s interest is in translating the ancient – sometimes monastic – principles of Zen into modern language, western lifestyle and northern climate.

Today he lives in Düsseldorf as an employee of the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia, a family man and Zen teacher. With the experience of his monastic training, he seeks – together with Kanzeon Sangha – to combine Zen Buddhist principles into a living and meaningful practice.


…Senseis‘ offers

When he started zazen (sitting meditation) in 1988, it was not easy to find companions on this sometimes rocky, sometimes foggy path – let alone a Zen teacher to guide him. Today he is a mountain guide himself and offers you short and also long trips through the terrain:

  • Personal consultation (once or twice)
  • Personal support (longer term)
  • Classes, lectures and „workshops
  • Regular zazen (Zen meditation)
  • Zazenkai (individual Zen days)
  • Sesshin / Retreat (2 – 5 days)
  • Rituals and Ceremonies of the White Plum Lineage of the Soto Zen School

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!


…Senseis‘ schedule

Jikishin Sensei gives regular classes, twice a month, at the Kanzeon Zen Center Düsseldorf, the Kanzeon Zen Center is open for Zen meditation on Sundays and Wednesdays all year round and he is there almost every time.

Several times a year he will lead retreats in Goerlitz at the Center for Mindfulness and Compassion or other locations.

Upcoming dates at Kanzeon Zen Center Düsseldorf. The Wednesday sessions take place at the Zen Zentrum Düsseldorf and are also streamed in the online Zendo via Zoom. Sunday appointments are currently held only in the online Zendo.

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