Members area

Kanzeon Sangha Members | Moving Life - Calm Mind

What is the members area?

In order to strengthen our shared practice and provide ongoing contact for participants living further afield, we are building this online presence.

It will still take a little while – we hope that the topping-out ceremony will take place in winter 2021/22. Please be patient if not all technical features are working smoothly yet.

The Kanzeon Zen Zentrum Düsseldorf-Online (“ZZD-online”) and the members’ area provide a rich stream of daily motivation, encouragement and understanding alongside the face-to-face events.

These five tools for personal support and development are offered by ZZD-Online and the members’ area:


The Online Zendo

The Online Zendo is open to anyone who is interested – and we welcome anyone who would like to come to our Zendo. We are currently open online during the regular zazen hours on

Sunday from 18:00 to 19:30,

Tuesday from 05:30 to 06:30,

Wednesday from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., and on

Friday from 05:30 to 06:30.

Due to Covid-19 hygiene restrictions, all face-to-face events have been moved to the online Zendo until further notice. Once we are able to meditate again at 39 Franklin Street, we have planned to broadcast every event from there to the online Zendo.


The forum

The forum has several sections: in one section of the forum, members can ask questions about the practice and process of Zen – and Sensei will do his best to answer them. This deepens the practice process and helps Sensei identify where participants need support. People who ask questions are very likely to see positive changes.
Another section of the forum provides space for conversation and communication among members – and a third section contains news and announcements from the world of Kanzeon Sangha and White Plum Asangha internationally.


Literature study

Structured study of selected literature on Buddhism and Zen in our online library. Jikishin Sensei designs an interactive study center in the members area.
In the library you can also find video lectures with Jikishin Sensei that took place on Zoom.


Live webinars

Participants of Kanzeon Zen Center Online have access to monthly live webinars where Jikishin Sensei talks about current challenges and answers questions.
In the member area, each user has their own video conference room.


Sangha Teams

Sangha teams within the online community encourage and help each other to mature in practice.



Would you like to be kept up to date about our events? Then please register here for our newsletter .


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