Busy Life…
…Quiet Mind
With Kanzeon's message of compassion, the world becomes a kinder and more peaceful place.
Kanzeon Sangha is committed to peace and supporting the people of Ukraine.
Kanzeon's appearance reminds people of humanity and compassion, even in the darkest of times.
Kanzeon gives hope and confidence in the midst of life's stormy waves.
A doctor injects a person with the Covid-19 vaccine to protect their health.
Kanzeon helps us to make the right decisions at the crossroads of life and to find our way safely and securely.
Kanzeon shows us the way at the crossroads of life.
Kanzeon bedroht-ruhig
Front Bild Surfer 1920
Front Bild Surfer 1920
Front Bild Coronaimpfung 1920
kreuzung sw
Kanzeon Sangha is committed to peace and supporting the people of Ukraine.
Kanzeon Sangha is committed to peace and supporting the people of Ukraine.
Kanzeon's appearance reminds people of humanity and compassion, even in the darkest of times.
Kanzeon gives hope and confidence in the midst of life's stormy waves.
A doctor injects a person with the Covid-19 vaccine to protect their health.
Kanzeon helps us to make the right decisions at the crossroads of life and to find our way safely and securely.
Kanzeon's message of compassion touches the people in the shopping street.
kanzeon kopf groß freigestellt – original

Busy Life…

…Quiet Mind

kanzeon kopf groß freigestellt – original

Busy Life…

…Quiet Mind

kanzeon kopf groß freigestellt – original

Busy Life…

…Quiet Mind

kanzeon kopf groß freigestellt – original

Busy Life…

…Quiet Mind

kanzeon kopf groß freigestellt – original

Busy Life…

…Quiet Mind

kanzeon kopf groß freigestellt – original

Busy Life…

…Quiet Mind

kanzeon kopf groß freigestellt – original

Busy Life…

…Quiet Mind


Welcome to Kanzeon Sangha

Welcome to Kanzeon Sangha Germany e.V. Founded in March 1996, we support and facilitate the study and spread of Zen Buddhism in theory and practice.
The Organization is the umbrella for all our activities and offers.

Kanzeon Sangha regularly offers Zazen (Zen-Meditation), Retreats, Zen-days, classes and introductions at the Zen Center Duesseldorf, other locations and online. The association is a long-standing member of the German Buddhist Union.


Zen Center Dusseldorf

The Zen Center Düsseldorf was founded in 2001 and has since been based in various locations in Düsseldorf. The Organization is Kanzeon Sangha Deutschland e.V.
Currently, the Zen Center has its physical home in the practice Bettina Kelm/Zen-Zentrum Düsseldorf, Franklinstr. 39, 40479 Düsseldorf (Pempelfort / Zoo district). Our regular meditation evenings, lectures and ceremonies have been taking place there for ten years – and as soon as hygiene regulations allow again.


Online Zendo

To strengthen our shared practice and provide ongoing contact for participants living further afield, we are building our online presence.
Alongside the face-to-face events, the ZZD Online and our Members Area provide a rich stream of daily motivation, encouragement and support.

What Kanzeon offers

Zen Training

Our offer is under the motto: BUSY LIFE – QUIET MIND.
In a challenging world, we want to create space for all beings and value our lives.
These tools for personal support and development are offered by Kanzeon Sangha:


Meditation is the heart of our practice and gives us strength.
From counting the breaths to the 8 levels of deepening to just sitting in Shikantaza….


The Buddha described the facts of the world and called them “Dharma”. His description helps us to become free from suffering.
The knowledge of the Dharma helps us to act appropriately and wholesomely.


Our teachers teach meditation and Dharma for the benefit of all beings.
Jikishin Sensei lays out the fundamentals that the Buddha described with great clarity. Together we practice using these tools for liberation.


The Buddha would have internet: Meditation and Dharma we live together wherever we are. Our meetings take place exclusively online at the moment. Later, “online” becomes a permanent offering alongside physical appointments.


Physically and also virtually – we support each other along the way. Without fellow human beings, the path is difficult. The Kanzeon Zen community has been around for over 30 years. We hike as a group and share our experience along the way.

Zen tradition

The experience of 2500 years shows us the way, comforts and has healing power
Tradition is the vessel for the history and content of each Zen lineage. Ceremony is its living expression. Jikishin Sensei holds the line and passes the flame.


Next events

Am 15. September 2024 um 19:30 - 21:00 > Abendzazen Sonntag
Am 15. September 2024 um 19:30 - 21:00 > Zazen & Dharma mit Jikishin Sensei – Sonntag
Am 18. September 2024 um 19:30 - 21:00 > Abendzazen Mittwoch

New contributions

Dharma Blog

On the Dharma Blog in Kanzeon Magazine, Jikishin Sensei writes about the teaching of the Buddha – the Dharma – and its appearance and manifestation in our Western lives.


    Frequently asked questions

    Kanzeon is the name for the embodiment of compassion in Buddhism.

    Kanzeon has its dwelling place in every human being and places compassion alongside the Buddha, to whom everything is equally valid. She hears the cries of the world and with her thousand arms, thousand eyes and thousand ears she is constantly ready to give: comfort to the mourner, drink to the drunkard and help to every sufferer.

    Buddha relates to Kanzeon as the Father relates to the Mother or the Great Spirit relates to the Great Heart.

    To the contribution >

    Many hands come together at Kanzeon Sangha as one body, one mind.

    Many hands come together in the Sangha as one body, one mind.

    In Buddhism, the community of practitioners is called the Sangha.

    Cannon appears

    Kanzeon Sangha is a community of people who support each other in meditation and questions arising from it. Together we will explore and apply the effects of meditation and Buddhist teachings in our daily lives.

    Some of us started practicing in the “White Plum” Zen Tradion of Taizan Maezumi Roshi and Genpo Merzel Roshi as early as 1987 – and to this day we belong to this lineage. Jikishin Sensei is lineage holder of this tradition and our “resident teacher”.

    Although our foundation is the Zen lineage of Maezumi Roshi, people of all religions and worldviews, backgrounds or education have been sitting and practicing at Kanzeon Sangha for over 30 years… we welcome all who wish to practice and meditate with us!

    But yes! We make sure that beginners and novices are doing well with us.
    How to sit without pain, learn what to do with your mind and all other questions we answer here >

    No. Anyone can join us – preferably after an introduction. For the regular meditation evenings we ask for a 5 Euro donation (“Dana”) per evening.

    Our “ordinary” membership costs 15 Euro per month.
    As a regular member, you have free access to all weekly zazen evenings. The prices of many events are reduced compared to those for non-members.

    Kanzeon Sangha Deutschland e.V. is recognized as a non-profit association, membership fees and donations are deductible from income tax. An annual certificate will be issued. Membership may be terminated in writing by the end of the month with four weeks’ notice.

    To the statute >
    To the membership application>

    If you like our goals, which are laid down in our statutes, and you want to recognize and promote these goals, then you can find our application for membership here. The board of directors decides on the application for membership.

    Kanzeon Sangha Deutschland e.V. is recognized as a non-profit association, membership fees and donations are deductible from income tax.
    At the moment the application for membership is only possible in writing and by mail, we are working on a digital solution here directly on the website.

    To the statute >
    To the membership application>



    Would you like to be kept up to date about our events? Then please register here for our newsletter .


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